At the second class, she had them do static stretches BEFORE warming up, which is a recipe for injuries. Teenager could not keep order and the kids basically ran around for 30 minutes. Allowed an untrained teenager to run a gymnastics class for preschoolers in a room with filthy mats and broken electrical outlets.
I thought this would be a good local gym! They have many signs up saying WIPE YOUR MACHINE DOWN AFTEE USE, yet many of the patrons men/women leave without doing so! Its very alarming I went in the other day and there were tons of nasty used paper towels laying in the womens area! Yet I watched their cleaning staff standing around laughing joking and gossiping! I wouldnt waste my money or time signing up here! Every weekend they allow the courts to be rented out instead of allowing at least two courts to be free for those who pay monthly like myself! I think its completely unfair that they charge u but half the month they send u letters saying courts are unavailable! Also Ive watched their so called trainers simply be on their phones and not really interact with the person theyre training! Overall pathetic then they trap u into a year membershipįilthy facility, untrained employees. The staff is so disrespectful, and the treatment of the women at this facility is a representation of how little this organization values the community at large.

I will continue to advise against others joining this gym, and I am so angry at the disrespect my mother has received while going here. We are paying for this service, not receiving it for free. Invest in your community, invest in the women in the community. They are put in situations where they have to fight to go on one of the two machines available. There are only a couple of workout machines available to women. The womens area is much smaller even though its in high demand. They fail at providing a quality, clean and respectful place to workout. Yet, it fails to serve the Muslim women of the community. Hype is a part of a Muslim community and knows this. I want to explain that there are very few facilities that exist for women to workout in private.